Asociación Valle del Chira (AVACH)
The 2021 board of directors for AVACH posing in front of the warehouse in Querecotillo, Piura, Peru
Co-op Name: Asociación Valle del Chira
Location: Querecotillo, Piura, Peru
Partner since: 2020
Number of Producers: 390
Certifications: Organic, Fairtrade, Global GAP
History: AVACH has been successfully exporting their bananas to Europe for over 15 years, and when their partnership with Equal Exchange began in 2020, they had already established themselves in the European fair trade market.
Background: Today, AVACH bananas are the result of the collective efforts of 390 farmers. When Equal Exchange and AVACH began their relationship online in 2020, it was a momentous occasion. Pictured below is an AVACH team member proudly holding a sign that says “nuestro primer contenedor” or, in English, “our first container” with the logos of both Equal Exchange and AVACH pictured side-by-side. This first container of bananas sold by AVACH to Equal Exchange in September of 2020 was not just the beginning of our relationship, it was also AVACH’s first sale in the US market.
Premium Project Highlights: Premium dollars are a crucial part of the fair trade model, and they allow farmer cooperatives to invest in their communities. One way that AVACH was able to do this was through the construction of a computer lab for an educational institute.